
Monday, April 20, 2015

Sexual Education

We learn about it ever since we get into school. But I believe we need more than two videos about menstruation and masturbation and a little more talk about condoms and our mental health. Although there is a lot of people in the world that don't even know about the females genitals and where they urinate. There are lots of people that are not sure of what there own body is made up at a young age.

Lots of people believe that sometimes teaching kids about sex at a young age isn't right. They believe it will make young boys more sexual and make girls more aroused, but in reality, it's better to teach young children about the dangers of sexual infections and other things that people seem to miss.

When I was in 3rd grade, all I could remember about sex education or changing in our bodies was when the boys went to one room and the girls stayed in another. On a small TV screen, they put in a tape, then we watched these girls talk about periods and other things that make people merely upset. But we never talked about any of it with the teacher. We just continued on and turned on the lights and went with class.

We should realize that we need to watch these types of things and know about these things. When I got my period for the first time, I was unsure and too afraid to tell anyone because I was afraid that there was something wrong with me. I got my period when I was around eleven and twelve. I was a "preteen" and had no idea what a period was.

Sexual education is important. We must teach young ones about it so they are open to the world and know what to expect.

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