
Friday, February 27, 2015

Feminist "Nazis" Do Exist, But So Do Real Feminists!

If you take a quick search on Google with the unfinished sentence, "feminists are," you'll find out that lots of people don't like feminists. A couple of the suggested words to finish the sentence are ugly, annoying, gross, crazy, and even hypocritical.

The main picture of what people usually see as a feminist is a woman who is pudgy, maybe even overweight in some minds, and has not shaved for a long time and screams at men, "STOP BEING ABUSERS! YOU STEPPED ON THE BACK OF MY SHOE!"

This, in many cases, isn't exactly true.

When I was around twelve years old, I didn't really discover feminism until I found it out on the internet with bias opinions on how feminists are angry and virgins that are lonely and have no friends, so in their mean time, blame men. Of course, I was twelve years old! I wanted to fit in, to be cool and with the internet fad. I began to hate any girl that was recognized as a feminist, but I didn't really know anything about what they fought for. Instead of searching it up, I thought what everyone else thought.

Around 2013, I began to learn about feminists and equal rights. Lots of people get the real definition of feminism wrong, which is in a simple statement, equality for both genders. I started to realize that lots of the reasons why more people should join and be a feminist, was good. And in 2014 was when I officially started to go onto the path of feminism.

Now, don't get me wrong here, there are people that are feminists but in most cases don't understand the definition of feminism, like I stated earlier. There are lots of feminists that are rude for no reason and want lots of attention towards females. Janet Bloomfield did an article why feminists are like Nazis, which is somewhat understandable. I'm not going to lie and say there are those who hate men for no reason, and if there is a chance to blame a man, they will. It happens, a lot.

Some examples of times where feminists blamed men is when Robin Thicke came out with the song "Blurred Lines," which led into a controversial topic about how his song is actually relating to raping someone. And also when the internet fad of this shirt became a phrase that shames woman and implying that they're always cooking/in the kitchen.

These can be looked at in different ways. But there are real feminists that are working on real "problems," such as Beyonce after she opens up and told everyone that she was a feminist. There is also multiple organizations that even allows you to donate or even sign up to keep updated, such as NOW.

Like I had said before, there are going to be those sexist "feminists" who will use anything for an excuse. But there are also real feminists who are working on issues that is in our world today. Even with me being a feminist, I try to stay alert and I will always fight for what I believe in.

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