
Monday, March 2, 2015

FYI: Rape Jokes Aren't Funny

There seems to some people that there isn't a line when it comes to rape jokes. Even how vicious this sounds and seems hard to believe, people accidentally make rape jokes or just plain out use them to humor people because it is "funny."

Imagine this: a twelve year old girl who was sexually assaulted and raped while intoxicated got pushed around and laughed at by other people, telling her she deserved it because of her actions by drinking while underage. This girl continued to blame herself, and understood that it was funny and she was a big, big joke.

That twelve year old girl was me.

Many people on the internet said that rape while you're intoxicated (could be off drugs, marijuana, alcohol, etc.) doesn't count as rape. My old boyfriend told me that "it wasn't rape. Rape is when you are screaming no. Just because you were drunk doesn't mean it was rape." And I took this to heart, that is until a counselor told me that even if I was naked on the street with a bottle in my hand, it was still rape.

Even today, it's hard. When people ask me if I am a virgin, I can't handle the conversation and just shake my head and pray that they won't ask again. I lost my virginity to a boy older than me who thought it would be a great idea to do have sex because it was "easier," and I needed to ease up a bit and forget my pledge to stay a virgin.

 I was twelve.

Here I am, nearly sixteen, and people are still saying those stupid, stupid rape jokes. On the Rolling Stone article it talked about how a girl was gang-raped and lost many friends and respect. And in the hallways of our school, if there is some rumor about a girl who was raped, they laugh.

It took me four years of therapy (and still enrolled) to even come out and say what had happened. I ignored it for 7 months the first time it happened. Then when I was in the hospital, they forced me to say what had happened, leaving me out to the open. My parents were understanding and had much rage towards the boy, but my friends had told me I deserved it. People called me a slut and whore.

I had to go to the police station and talk to a detective. She never called me back. There is 100,000 assaults. 1,000 rapists sentenced. Most of the time, those who are raped never tell anyone. It was hard for me too at the time.

There are still people who are making rape jokes even today online like Dustin Penner. There are still lists for rape jokes everywhere possible.

And I, and many others, do not find your rape jokes funny.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you. The jokes need to stop! There is nothing funny about rape. In a way I feel that most the jokes that are said about it are bullying. Just, because you were raped doesn't make you a slut, or a whore. All the jokes seriously need to stop, because that's the crap that leads people to suicide. When will people realize enough is enough? I'm really sorry this happened to you, and I'm always here if you need to talk. I can completely relate to where your coming from.
